eService tab: Petition of Delinquency

In addition to any of the traditional methods that you use to perform document service (i.e. First Class Mail), PACFile offers a systematic alternative through the eService tab. eService can be used to serve any attorney, probation officer, juvenile, or parent/guardian who is a registered PACFile user and has systematic access to a juvenile's case. eService performs official document service via e-mail and a generates a PACFile Dashboard notification whenever a filing is submitted electronically.

When creating a filing, the eligible eService recipients are displayed automatically through the eService tab. Within this tab, the potential recipients are classified into one of three distinct groups:

  • Case Participants - Displays all PACFile-registered participants that are actively participating on the case.

  • Attorneys - Displays all PACFile-registered attorneys that are actively participating on the case.

  • Others - Depending on the filing being submitted, other individuals or organizations, not listed as participants or attorneys, may be service eligible. This is often a court office associated with a case.

The checkbox next to each potential recipient indicates whether eService will be delivered upon submission of the filing. Where applicable, PACFile pre-selects the checkbox for the recipients that are required to receive service based on the filing's primary document (identified in the Select Filing screen). The checkbox for any of the individuals/organizations displayed, regardless of group or the default status of the checkbox, can be modified at-will.

There is no obligation to use eService. It is certainly possible that service may have been completed for one, some, or all the individuals/organizations displayed prior to initiating the PACFile process. The filer, however, retains the responsibility for correctly completing the eService tab. If eService is used for any individual/organization, the appropriate checkboxes must be selected and this method must be noted on the proof of service document. This may require a change to the document prior to uploading it to the Filing Documents tab. If no one is going to be eServed, all pre-selected checkboxes must be cleared manually.

This tab provides the only function that performs document service upon the submission of a filing. The e-mail notification created from this process is sent to the selected recipient's chosen e-mail account and they will also receive a notification through theirDashboard.

After recording eService for any parties, click the NEXT button to proceed to the Filing Documents tab.