Filing Documents tab: Written Allegation
This tab provides the ability to associate the written allegation and affidavit of probable cause to the filing. The Filing Documents tab automatically identifies the written allegation by name and provides a semi-automated way to fill out this document electronically. The affidavit of probable cause must be uploaded to the filing separately using a blank form from the website. The association of these documents to your filing is the most critical part of the PACFile process since no filing can be submitted without them.
Filling Out the Online PDF for the Written Allegation
One of the major benefits of filing a written allegation through PACFile is that it is designed to fill out a portion of this document electronically, based on the information you have entered throughout the wizard.
Unlike the blank paper version of this form, this electronic version automatically displays the available case participant information in the appropriate locations. This includes the name and identifying information recorded for the juvenile, the affiant's name, the parent guardian information, and the alleged offenses.
Under the Document(s) column, click the Written Allegation icon for the Written Allegation filing type. The Fillable Form screen displays. The following includes tips for completing the screen. Additional steps may be necessary, so be sure to review the screen in its entirety:
Any fields can be left blank if they do not apply.
The viewable space for the Acts of the Accused field can be expanded by clicking and dragging the handle (two diagonal lines) in the lower right corner of the box.
Click the VIEW DRAFT button at any time to display a preview of the form. the PDF of the form is generated. Once the filing is submitted, it cannot be edited. Therefore, use this preview to ensure the form is correct before completing your filing. Close the draft and continue making changes as necessary on the Fillable Form screen.
(Optional) Once the form fields are complete, use the Print icon
in the toolbar of the PDF to produce a hardcopy for your records. Alternatively, you can save an electronic copy by using the Download icon
in the toolbar of the PDF.
Click OK at the bottom of the Fillable Form screen to save the recorded details.
Prior to submitting the filing, you can return to the Fillable Form screen and make additional changes by clicking on the Written Allegation icon
again. This is useful if new information on the case is brought to light before you submit the filing or if you needed to verify some information for the form before continuing.
Uploading the Affidavit of Probable Cause
The affidavit of probable cause must be completed outside of PACFile and uploaded through the Filing Documents tab. For more information on locating and completing this form, refer to the page on the Affidavit of Probable Cause.
When you are ready to upload the affidavit, click the Manage Documents icon to the right of the Affidavit of Probable Cause filing type. The Document Management screen opens. Click the Add Document icon
above the Document(s) grid, then click the CHOOSE FILE button. A popup screen opens that allows you to browse to the location where you saved your document(s). Only one document can be selected at any given time, but you can repeat the upload process if you need to associate multiple documents to this filing type. If this situation does not apply, do not add any unnecessary documents. Remember, only PDFs can be uploaded to PACFile.
Document Confidentiality
After uploading a document to your filing, a dropdown menu appears to the right of the document’s name. You must select one of the following options that describes the document as it relates to the Case Records Public Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania ("Policy"):
Not Confidential - Unredacted - The document contains no confidential information or redactions based on Section 7.0 of the Policy and is not considered a confidential document under Section 8.0.
Redacted - The document contains confidential information (i.e., social security numbers, driver license numbers, financial account numbers, etc.) that has been redacted based on Section 7.0 of the Policy. The sensitive information must be redacted and replaced with alternative references, which are indirect citations that refer to the unredacted information on a corresponding Confidential Information Form. When a redacted document is added to a filing, a Confidential Information Form must be uploaded separately and categorized as Confidential Information Form.
Confidential - Unredacted - The document contains sensitive information that is visible to a reader. Unless the corresponding case is exempted from public access, an unredacted confidential document must be submitted with a redacted version or a Confidential Document Form.
Confidential Document - The document is considered wholly confidential based on Section 8.0 of the Policy. These documents (i.e., financial source documents, a minor’s educational records, medical records, etc.) contain sensitive information that is visible to any reader. When a confidential document is added to a filing, a Confidential Document Form must be uploaded separately and categorized as Confidential Document Form.
Confidential Document Form - Refers to the standardized cover page that identifies the submission of one or more documents considered wholly confidential by Section 8.0 of the Policy (i.e., financial source documents, a minor’s educational records, medical records, etc.). When a Confidential Document Form is added to a filing, the confidential document(s) should be uploaded separately and categorized as Confidential Document.
Confidential Information Form - Refers to the standardized document that contains any sensitive information (i.e., social security numbers, driver license numbers, financial account numbers, etc.) that was redacted in a corresponding document based on Section 7.0 of the Policy. When a Confidential Information Form is added to a filing, the redacted document must be uploaded separately and categorized as Redacted.
If you are submitting a filing with either of the following document combinations, it must be stressed that each document must be uploaded separately, to the same Filing Type, and with distinct confidentialities.
1. |
A Confidential Document Form and the corresponding confidential document. |
2. |
A Confidential Information Form and the corresponding redacted document. |
Viewing Uploaded documents
After uploading a document to a PACFiling, you may want to view it in order to verify that the correct document was selected. You can view a document through the Documents(s) column of the Filing Documents tab, by clicking the Document icon for the corresponding filing.
Removing Documents
Any document that has been added to a filing can also be removed on the Document Management screen by clicking the corresponding Delete icon .