Filing In Forma Pauperis (IFP)
Per the stated format in Pa.R.A.P 561, a written statement can be submitted by a filer that declares they are unable to pay the filing fees associated to their case due to their current financial condition. This status, referred to by the courts as In Forma Pauperis (In the Manner of the Pauper), is often established at a lower tribunal and the filer is looking to continue this status throughout the appeal. When this statement is filed, all corresponding filing fees on the case are waived and any requirement to submit a reproduced record is nullified.
Commonly submitted during the normal completion of the Case Initiation wizard, this document, when applicable, can be added by completing the following steps in the Filing Documents tab:
How to Add a Verified Statement in Support of Continuation of IFP Status to a Filing |
1. |
Click on the Add Optional Filing icon |
2. |
In the Document Management popup screen, click on the Filing Type dropdown and select Verified Statement in Support of Continuation of IFP Status. |
3. |
Click the Add Document icon |
4. |
Click CHOOSE File and locate the corresponding document in the popup. Click OPEN to upload the document. |
5. |
In the Document Management popup screen, click on the Confidentiality dropdown menu and select the confidentiality option that best describes the document as it relates to the Public Access Policy of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. |
6. |
Click Save. |